SAR is an expensive hobby. We are a non-profit 501(c)3 100% unpaid volunteer organization, our members purchase most of the equipment they carry in the field themselves. It is expensive, and many of our members are local youth, working their way through high school, while they dedicate their free time to training, and saving lives.
Our unit has some limited cost prohibitive equipment that we issue as needed, but we are always on the lookout for donations, discounts, equipment, and anything else that can help us fulfill our mission. Each of our members give hundreds of hours annually, and we do our best to give them any perk we can. Due to the nature of our job, we push equipment far beyond what an average hiker would.
If you are regularly outdoors, have friends or family who are, or would just like to support our young adults and members in their self-development and volunteer careers please consider a donation.